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The Queen's Aura

By Celia & Tarun Cherian.

  Young Queen

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In september 2022 Queen Elizabeth the 2nd of UK, passed away. Ending a reign that spanned 7 decades. To many, like Tarun's mother, she was a paragon of grace, power, good sense. A titular head with a powerful symbolic presence. Who had a healing touch that guided a colonial empire, into a modern forward looking, history-anchored state, that guided raging colonies to a positive alliance. That's version 1.

To others she was limited, a provincial dowdy woman with the most ugly hats, pedestrian taste, blinkered lacking independent thought, colonial in mindset, suffering from inbred aristocratic privilege, marked by passive aggressiveness...

Can the twain meet? Can we do a Queen Elizabeth 2 Jodo yatra? We have Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi oozing charm about her. And the left-brigade shining the torch on her limitations.

Queens Aura

The Queen's Aura. Just Crowned & Before The End:

We at Creator's Child decided to look at her aura. We have done so at principally two times. When she was just crowned, and later just before her death.

When just crowned her greatest aura strength was at her shoulders. She was willing to taken on responsibility. To shoulder responsibility. To be the figurehead Britain needed.

Next she carried a sense of assurance, of self-worth evidenced by light at her womb. Familial certainty was not aristorcatic over-weeningness, rather the assurance substance trumps show. Her aura seems to say: "My virtue is that I have none and so am the perfect foil, I give thoughts and decisions of prime ministers' dignity, and where Governance lacks dignity, I offer it a fig-leaf. My self's virtue is that I can be truly and utterly supremely self-effacing."

Her greatest weakness was in early years hobbling ancestral conflict. She felt restrained, and undermined by her uncle's abdication.

But it is when we look deeper still that we see her greatest strength was at a causal level, she was steady. She adopted ideas slowly, tested them out slowly. She was unapologetically steady.

By the end of her reign, The Queen had transformed from someone willing to put in the sweat and doing her duty, to someone with a developed Bindu. She had a strong sense of perspective and understanding. Her weakness at the end lay in her stomach area, palace intrigue and familial conflicts left scars. An uneasy conscience added to the mix of duty, good form, and what had-tobe-done. Was this linked with her dynamic with Diana? Or Meghan's antics? Or did she see in Putin's aggression and Boris' bombast a real danger to the steadiness she so hard tried to cultivate.

Oil on troubled waters

And yet while there are scars, when we look at the causal body there is an assurance, "I always tried to do the right thing. My job was not to change the world, but to steady the spirit in a changing world. "

In today's world, we often praise forward thinkers. We tend to devalue backward thinkers. That's like praising propellors and cursing anchors.

And The Queen was in essence an anchor, someone who could pour oil on troubled waters, reducing turbulence. With her gone, British monarchy will crumble, fade... Is that a good thing?

Fare thee well dutiful soul...

Hmm... we follow her spirit like a bird through clouds... She is wrapped in a host of beings... knights of the realm she was once queen of... Is she the proudest of them? Perhaps not... But not insignificant either, seen by the rest of her ancestors as one who lead a proud retreat... Then she marches beyond... Will she reach her soul? At this Death's passage? Not ours to know. But how many of us can say these words "I always tried to do the right thing?"

Queens Aura Elizabeth

  Reactions To The Article:

Amita Palat Asks: You mentioned that Elizabeth, after passing, was wrapped in a host of beings…some of whom were the knights of her realm….would they have not been reborn by this time? 

Tarun & Celia Reply: Dearest Amita,Great Question. There are beings who look after specific cultures. Beings who identify so deeply with a way of life, they become guardians of it. 

Some ancestral spirits stay, some move on. Some spend time, some come at specific times of crisis and change. Also the ancestral spirit that strengthens each of us contains a life aspect of many before us.


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  Furthur Reading:


  NEW! Little Books with Big Skies

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A breathtaking encounter with a Butterfly who is a Sage. Animal Whisperers. Celia & Tarun Cherian give you a little book packed with a sky of wisdom. And magnificent meditations. Read More! The Butterfly Pearl A Spiritual Classic. Packed with Stunning Images

Now! Order The Butterfly Pearl as an ebook on Amazon Only Rs 77!




bubbles of joy

On 28th Nov 2016, Aura Master Tarun Cherian looked out of his window to an amazing sight. A world covered with shimmering bubbles of light. As he interrogated the experience he realised it revealed how our emotions intertwine with the world,
how we are deeply interconnected, how the hard world is shaped through soft emotion.

Now! Order The Bubbles of Joy Vision as an ebook on Amazon Only Rs 77!




What happens when you look with God's Eyes? Celia & Tarun Cherian give you a little book packed with a sky of wisdom. And magnificent meditations. Read More!

New! God and The Peacock-tailed Pigeon as an ebook on Amazon Only Rs 100!


The Aura Walk

A little walk with a dog through a middle class neighborhood of Bangalore, becomes a journey through wonderland! When you borrow the Aura Eyes of Tarun & Celia Cherian, the insightful nose of Buffy, and the senses of God, a humble street corner is filled with mystery. The roads shake off tar and choose to dress in Gold. Walkers look like ancient prophets. Children blaze with innocence. Ghosts appear. Shaktis stir. Solar Angels are revealed.

NEW! Order The Aura Walk on Amazon Only Rs 55!



Image adapted from art Image by Martin Ludlam @

Image adapted from art by enrique meseguer @

Images of Queen from wiki commons under fair use